Latitude and longitude of Arroyo Naranjo

Satellite map of Arroyo Naranjo

Arroyo Naranjo is one of the 15 municipalities or boroughs (municipios in Spanish) in the city of Havana, Cuba.

Population: 210,053

Latitude: 23° 02' 12.37" N
Longitude: -82° 22' 9.73" W

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Articles of interest in Arroyo Naranjo

65 Articles of interest near Arroyo Naranjo, Cuba

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  • Havana

    Havana (/həˈvænə/; Spanish: La Habana, [la aˈβana]) is the capital city, province, major port, and leading commercial centre of Cuba. The city proper has a population of 2.1 million inhabitants, and it spans a total of 728.26 km2 (281.18 sq mi) – ma…

  • Old Havana

    Old Havana (Spanish: La Habana Vieja) is the city-center (downtown) and one of the 15 municipalities (or boroughs) forming Havana, Cuba, it has the second highest population density in the city and contains the core of the original city of Havana.

  • Malecón, Havana

    The Malecón (officially Avenida de Maceo) is a broad esplanade, roadway and seawall which stretches for 8 km (5 miles) along the coast in Havana, Cuba, from the mouth of Havana Harbor in Old Havana, along the north side of the Centro Habana neighbor…

  • Granma (yacht)

    Granma is the yacht that was used to transport 82 fighters of the Cuban Revolution from Mexico to Cuba in November 1956 for the purpose of overthrowing the regime of Fulgencio Batista. The 60-foot (18 m) diesel-powered cabin cruiser was built in 194…

  • University of Havana

    The University of Havana or UH (in Spanish, Universidad de La Habana) is a university located in the Vedado district of Havana, Cuba. Founded in 1728, the University of Havana is the oldest university in Cuba, and one of the first to be founded in t…

  • El Capitolio

    El Capitolio, or National Capitol Building in Havana, Cuba, was the seat of government in Cuba until after the Cuban Revolution in 1959, and is now home to the Cuban Academy of Sciences. "El Capitolio" has a size of 681 by 300ft. Its design and name…

  • Hotel Nacional de Cuba

    The Hotel Nacional de Cuba is a historic luxury hotel located on the Malecón in the middle of Vedado, Havana, Cuba. It stands on Taganana hill a few metres from the sea, and offers a view of Havana Harbour, the seawall and the city.

  • Havana Cathedral

    The Cathedral of The Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception (also known in Spanish as La Catedral de la Virgen María de la Concepción Inmaculada de La Habana) is one of eleven Roman Catholic cathedrals on the island of Cuba. Located in the Plaza d…

  • La Cabaña

    Fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabaña (Fort of Saint Charles), colloquially known as La Cabaña, is an 18th-century fortress complex, the third-largest in the Americas, located on the elevated eastern side of the harbor entrance in Havana, Cuba.

  • Bodeguita del medio

    La Bodeguita del Medio is a typical restaurant-bar of Havana (Cuba). It is a famous tourist destination because of the personalities which have patronized it: Salvador Allende, the poet Pablo Neruda, the artist Josignacio and many others. La Bodegui…

  • Vedado

    Vedado (Spanish: El Vedado, Spanish pronunciation: [el βeˈðaðo]) is a central business district and urban neighborhood in the city of Havana, Cuba. Bordered on the east by Central Havana, and on the west by the Miramar / Playa district. Vedado is th…

  • Floridita

    Floridita (Spanish pronunciation: [floɾiˈðita]) or El Floridita is a historic fish restaurant and cocktail bar in the older part of Havana (La Habana Vieja), Cuba. It lies at the end of Calle Obispo (Bishop Street), across Monserrate Street from the…