Latitude and longitude of Funafuti
- In Tuvalu
Satellite map of Funafuti
Funafuti is an atoll on which the capital of the island nation of Tuvalu is located. It has a population of 6,194 people, making it the most populated atoll with 57.2 percent of Tuvalu's population. It is a narrow sweep of land between 20 and 400 metres (66 and 1,312 feet) wide, encircling a large lagoon 18 km (11 miles) long and 14 km (9 miles) wide. With a surface of 275 square kilometres (106.2 sq mi), it is by far the largest lagoon in Tuvalu.
Latitude: -8° 30' 59.99" S
Longitude: 179° 12' 60.00" E