Latitude and longitude of Moanda
- In Gabon
Satellite map of Moanda
Moanda is one of the largest towns in Gabon, lying on the N3 road in Haut Ogooué. It is also one of the most important manganese mining towns in the world, under the auspices of the Compagnie Minière de l'Ogooué (COMILOG), which began mining in 1957. Moanda has a population of around 39,298 inhabitants (2010 est.) and is the second largest city in the Haut Ogooué Region, after Franceville.
Latitude: -1° 33' 59.99" S
Longitude: 13° 11' 60.00" E
Nearest city to this article: Moanda
Read about Moanda in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Moanda in Google Maps