Latitude and longitude of Kirkjuvatn
Satellite map of Kirkjuvatn
Kirkjuvatn is a lake in Suðuroy, Faroe Islands. The lake is located just north of the village Fámjin, which is located on the west coast of Suðuroy. Fámjin is the only village on the island which is facing directly towards west. Only one other village, Sumba is also located on the west coast, but Sumba is facing south-west. The name of the lake means Church Lake, kirkja means church and vatn means lake in this case, the most common meaning of the word vatn is water.The lake is 0.2 km2, the largest lake in the island Suðuroy.
Latitude: 61° 31' 20.99" N
Longitude: -6° 52' 22.19" W
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