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Mashava (formerly known as Mashaba) is a mining village in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe and is located 40 km from Masvingo. Asbestos was and still is being mined in this small Zimbabwean town.

Population: 12,994

Latitude: -20° 02' 11.94" S
Longitude: 30° 28' 56.10" E

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Articles of interest in Mashava

5 Articles of interest near Mashava, Zimbabwe

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  • Mashava

    Mashava (formerly known as Mashaba) is a mining village in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe and is located 40 km from Masvingo. Asbestos was and still is being mined in this small Zimbabwean town. There are three mines in the town namely Gath's Mine, Kin…

  • Gaths Mine

    Gaths Mine is an asbestos mine in Mashava, Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe and is located 40 km west of Masvingo city. Gaths Mine as it is now collectively known as is a combination of three mines King Mine and the now defunct Temeraire and Gaths. The m…