Latitude and longitude of Estadio Metropolitano de Fútbol de Lara

Satellite map of Estadio Metropolitano de Fútbol de Lara

The Estadio Metropolitano de Fútbol de Lara is a football stadium, located near the city of Barquisimeto in Lara state, in the west-central Venezuela, built between 2006 and 2009 on behalf of the Government of that country, and on the state of Lara in the Venezuelan Jantesa firm, and worked as one of the 9 venues of the 2007 Copa América, with a capacity that can reach up to 47,913 seated spectators, with 110 meters long and 70 meters wide, has grass Bermuda, has 3 parking lots with capacity for 4,000 thousand vehicles, lifts, stage, dressing rooms for up to 4 teams, anti doping control room, dressing room for umpires, medical room and 2 big screens, press gallery, stage, VIP cabins for translation The lighting will be among the best in the country with the installation of 240 lamps (Phillips) with 2,000 watts each, suitable for television, among others.

Latitude: 9° 59' 22.04" N
Longitude: -69° 13' 6.89" W

Nearest city to this article: Los Rastrojos

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GPS coordinates of Estadio Metropolitano de Fútbol de Lara, Venezuela

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