Latitude and longitude of Hazorasp

Satellite map of Hazorasp

Xazorasp (Uzbek: Xazorasp), also known as Hazorasp or Khazarasp, or by its more ancient name Hazarasp (Persian: هزار اسب‎‎, meaning "thousand horses"), is a town in Uzbekistan, and was an important trading center during the medieval period. During its history, the town has been subject to various battles; between the Ghaznavid Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni and the Ma'munid ruler Abu'l-Harith Muhammad in 1017; between the Seljuq Sultan Ahmad Sanjar and the Khwarazmian ruler Atsiz in 1147; and between the Khwarazmian ruler Muhammad II and the Ghurid ruler Mu'izz al-Din Muhammad.

Population: 17,643

Latitude: 41° 19' 9.98" N
Longitude: 61° 04' 27.01" E

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Articles of interest in Hazorasp

3 Articles of interest near Hazorasp, Uzbekistan

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