Latitude and longitude of Monmouth, Illinois

Satellite map of Monmouth, Illinois

Monmouth is the county seat of Warren County, Illinois, United States. The population was 9,444 at the 2010 census, down from 9,841 in 2000. It is the home of Monmouth College and contains Monmouth Park, Harmon Park, North Park, Warfield Park, West Park, South Park, Garwood Park, Buster White Park and the Citizens Lake & Campground. It is the host of the Prime Beef festival, held annually the week after Labor Day. The festival is kicked off with one of the largest parades in Western Illinois. Monmouth is also known regionally as the "Maple City".

Population: 9,444

Latitude: 40° 54' 41.15" N
Longitude: -90° 38' 50.50" W

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