Latitude and longitude of Palm Beach Atlantic University
- Nearby Lake Worth, Florida, United States
Satellite map of Palm Beach Atlantic University
Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA) is a comprehensive interdenominational (there are more than 26 denominations represented in the student body) faith-based university with a core emphasis on character formation by integrating a Christian worldview with the liberal arts and selected professional studies. It is located in West Palm Beach, in the U.S. state of Florida approximately one mile (1.6 km) from the Atlantic Ocean on the Intracoastal Waterway. Its purpose is to offer a curriculum of rigorous studies and a program of student activities dedicated to the development of lifetime learning, leadership and service to mankind. The mean SAT is 1270. The student to faculty ratio is 13:1 with 162 faculty. William “Bill” M. B. Fleming, Jr.
Latitude: 26° 42' 12.97" N
Longitude: -80° 03' 5.03" W