Latitude and longitude of Carville, Louisiana
- Nearby Shenandoah, Louisiana, United States
Satellite map of Carville, Louisiana
Carville is a neighborhood of St. Gabriel in Iberville Parish, Louisiana, United States that is 16 miles south of Baton Rouge on the Mississippi River. Carville is the hometown of political personality James Carville and was named after his grandfather, the postmaster. It is also the location of the National Hansen's Disease Museum, which records the history of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital there, which for a hundred years treated leprosy (now called Hansen's Disease) patients. The hospital has been closed, but several of the buildings remain. This site is now known as the Gillis W.
Latitude: 30° 13' 1.80" N
Longitude: -91° 05' 27.60" W