Latitude and longitude of Panorama City, Los Angeles
Satellite map of Panorama City, Los Angeles
Panorama City is a neighborhood in the City of Los Angeles, California, within the San Fernando Valley. It has a high population density with a generally young age range. Ethnically, it is considered "moderately diverse." More than half the population was born abroad, a higher percentage than Los Angeles City. Known as the Valley's first planned community, today it is a mixture of single-family homes and low-rise apartment buildings. Some notable people have lived in the neighborhood or have been connected with it.
Latitude: 34° 13' 28.99" N
Longitude: -118° 26' 56.00" W
Nearest city to this article: Van Nuys
Read about Panorama City, Los Angeles in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Panorama City, Los Angeles in Google Maps