Latitude and longitude of Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland
- Nearby Parma, Ohio, United States
Satellite map of Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland
The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, better known by its acronym, MOCA, is a contemporary art museum located in Cleveland, Ohio. Founded in 1968 by Marjorie Talalay, Agnes Gund, and Nina Castelli Sundell as The New Gallery, the museum was renamed the Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art in 1984. In order to expand its exhibition space, in 1990 the museum moved to a 20,000-square-foot (1,900 m2) former Sears store on Carnegie Avenue that is now part of the Cleveland Play House complex which was renovated by Richard Fleischman + Partners Architects, Inc. to retrofit the space.
Latitude: 41° 30' 5.67" N
Longitude: -81° 37' 39.18" W