Latitude and longitude of Belvedere, California

Satellite map of Belvedere, California

Belvedere is a small, very affluent city in Marin County, California, United States, located 1.5 miles (2.4 km) northeast of Sausalito. Situated on two islands, it is immediately adjacent to the Tiburon Peninsula, accessible via a short bridge from the city of Tiburon. At the 2010 census, the population was 2,068 and the per-capita income in 2000 was $250,000, making it one of the highest income cities in California and the 8th highest income place in the United States (1st with a population over 1,000). Belvedere was once an island. Belvedere and Tiburon share a post office.

Latitude: 37° 52' 13.19" N
Longitude: -122° 27' 31.19" W

Nearest city to this article: Tiburon, California

Read about Belvedere, California in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Belvedere, California in Google Maps
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GPS coordinates of Belvedere, California, United States

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