Latitude and longitude of Coeur d'Alene

Satellite map of Coeur d'Alene

Coeur d'Alene (/ˈkɒr dəˈln/ KORR də-LAYN) is the largest city and county seat of Kootenai County, Idaho, United States. It is the principal city of the Coeur d'Alene Metropolitan Statistical Area. Coeur d'Alene has the second largest metropolitan area in the state of Idaho. As of the 2010 census the population of Coeur d'Alene was 44,137. The city is located about 30 mi (48 km) east of the larger Spokane, Washington. After the 2010 Census the two metropolitan areas were merged into a single Combined Statistical Area with a population of 679,989. Coeur d'Alene is the largest city in northern Idaho Panhandle. The city is situated on the north shore of Lake Coeur d'Alene, 25-mile (40 km) in length.

Population: 44,137

Latitude: 47° 40' 39.65" N
Longitude: -116° 46' 49.69" W

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Articles of interest in Coeur d'Alene

25 Articles of interest near Coeur d'Alene, United States

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