Latitude and longitude of Lothrop Hall
- Nearby Churchill, Pennsylvania, United States
Satellite map of Lothrop Hall
Lothrop Hall is a major student dormitory at the University of Pittsburgh's main campus in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Lothrop Hall is located adjacent to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center on Lothrop Street near Fifth Avenue, this hill is often referred to as "cardiac hill" due to its steep grade and its accessibility to medical care. The Hall is made up of 14 floors, some of which are segregated by sex in each wing (north and south). Most rooms in the hall are single occupancy (with sinks), with some double occupancy as well. The dorm houses 723 men and women, in addition to a resident director, a program coordinator, and 20 resident assistants.
Latitude: 40° 26' 30.24" N
Longitude: -79° 57' 36.42" W