Latitude and longitude of Cary, North Carolina

Satellite map of Cary, North Carolina

Cary /ˈkɛəri/ is the seventh largest municipality in North Carolina. Cary is in Wake and Chatham counties in the U.S. state of North Carolina. Located almost entirely in Wake County, it is the second largest municipality in that county and the third largest municipality in The Triangle after Raleigh and Durham. The town's population was 135,234 as of the 2010 census (an increase of 43.1% since 2000), making it the largest town and seventh largest municipality statewide. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates the town's population to be 151,088 as of July 1, 2013. Cary is currently the second most populous incorporated town (behind only Gilbert, Arizona) in the United States. According to the US Census Bureau, Cary was the 5th fastest growing municipality in the United States between September 1, 2006, and September 1, 2007. Cary is often considered one of the safest major cities in the US, due to its extremely low crime rate at just 84 violent crimes per 100,000 residents.

Population: 135,234

Latitude: 35° 47' 29.54" N
Longitude: -78° 46' 52.03" W

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