Latitude and longitude of Baccalaureate School for Global Education
- Nearby Borough of Manhattan, United States
Satellite map of Baccalaureate School for Global Education
The Baccalaureate School for Global Education (BSGE) is a New York City Public School located in the Astoria section of Queens, New York. BSGE was established in 2002. It serves a student body of 470 students between the 7th and 12th grades. BSGE is authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization to offer both the MYP (IB Middle Years Programme) and also the IB Diploma Programme. It was ranked number 21 in the nation as of 2012 and ranked #50th High School in the state.
Latitude: 40° 45' 17.64" N
Longitude: -73° 55' 37.20" W