Latitude and longitude of Chimney Sweeps Islands
- Nearby Borough of Manhattan, United States
Satellite map of Chimney Sweeps Islands
The Chimney Sweeps Islands are a pair of small islands located within New York City in the northern part of City Island Harbor in the borough of The Bronx. The islands, along with High Island, New York, divide City Island Harbor from Pelham Bay. The islands are entirely made out of bedrock. The islands are uninhabited, but are home to many birds, such as gulls, skuas, and great blue herons.
Latitude: 40° 51' 46.09" N
Longitude: -73° 47' 1.88" W
Nearest city to this article: Pelham Manor
Read about Chimney Sweeps Islands in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Chimney Sweeps Islands in Google Maps