Latitude and longitude of Melitopol

Satellite map of Melitopol

Melitopol (Ukrainian: Мелітополь, translit. Melitopol’, Russian: Мелитополь) is a city in Zaporizhia Oblast (region) of the southeastern Ukraine. It is situated on the Molochna River that flows through the eastern edge of the city and into the Molochnyi Liman, which eventually joins the Sea of Azov.

Population: 158,000

Latitude: 46° 50' 56.08" N
Longitude: 35° 21' 55.19" E

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Articles of interest in Melitopol

2 Articles of interest near Melitopol, Ukraine

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  • Melitopol

    Melitopol (Ukrainian: Мелітополь, translit. Melitopol’, Russian: Мелитополь) is a city in Zaporizhia Oblast (region) of the southeastern Ukraine. It is situated on the Molochna River that flows through the eastern edge of the city and into the Moloc…

  • Kamyana Mohyla

    Kamyana Mohyla (Ukrainian: Кам'яна Могила; Kamennaya mogila, Russian: Каменная могила; literally: "stone tomb") is an archaeological site in the Molochna River (literally "Milk river") valley, about a mile from the village of Terpinnya, Zaporizhia O…