Latitude and longitude of Suankularb Wittayalai School
- Nearby Nonthaburi, Thailand
Satellite map of Suankularb Wittayalai School
Suankularb Wittayalai School (also known as Suankularb College) (Thai: โรงเรียนสวนกุหลาบวิทยาลัย, lit. Rose Garden College) is an all-boys secondary school for grades 7th through 12th in Thailand. Founded by King Chulalongkorn in 1882, Suankularb is the oldest public secondary school in the country. Suankularb alumni include eight Prime Ministers of Thailand, nine Supreme Court Chief Justices, five attorneys general, Fortune Global 500 chief executive and chief financial officer, scholars, as well as a number of prominent politicians and businessmen. Suankularb is a member of Jaturamitr group of which members consist of four oldest boys' schools of Thailand.
Latitude: 13° 44' 20.40" N
Longitude: 100° 29' 32.01" E