Latitude and longitude of Chad

  • Tchad (FR)
  • Tschad (DE)
  • Chad (ES)

Satellite map of Chad

Chad /æd/ (Arabic: تشادTšād; French: Tchad), officially the Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south, Cameroon and Nigeria to the southwest and Niger to the west.

Read about Chad in the Wikipedia

Latitude: 15° 26' 45.98" N
Longitude: 18° 44' 6.00" E

Population: 10,543,464

Capital: N'Djamena

Country ISO codes: TD / TCD / 148

Oficial languages:
Arabic (ar), French (fr)

Oficial coin(s): Franc (XAF)

Neighbour countries:
Central African Republic ( CF ), Cameroon ( CM ), Libya ( LY ), Niger ( NE ), Nigeria ( NG ), Sudan ( SD )

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