Latitude and longitude of Mbabane

Satellite map of Mbabane

Mbabane (/(əm)bɑˈbɑn(i)/, Swazi: ÉMbábáne), with an estimated population of 94,874 (2010), is the capital and largest city in Swaziland. It is located on the Mbabane River and its tributary the Polinjane River in the Mdzimba Mountains. It is located in the district of Hhohho, of which it is also the capital. The average elevation of the city is 1243 meters. The population (estimated) in 1987 was 30,000.

Population: 76,218

Latitude: -26° 19' 0.01" S
Longitude: 31° 07' 59.99" E

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