Latitude and longitude of Turinsk

Satellite map of Turinsk

Turinsk (Russian: Туринск) is a town and the administrative center of Turinsky District of Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, located on the right bank of the Tura River midway between Verkhoturye and Tyumen, near its confluence with the Yarlynka, 253 kilometers (157 mi) northeast of Yekaterinburg. Population: 17,925 (2010 Census); 19,313 (2002 Census); 23,189 (1989 Census).

Population: 18,555

Latitude: 58° 02' 44.70" N
Longitude: 63° 41' 45.78" E

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Articles of interest in Turinsk

1 Articles of interest near Turinsk, Russian Federation

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  • Turinsk

    Turinsk (Russian: Туринск) is a town and the administrative center of Turinsky District of Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, located on the right bank of the Tura River midway between Verkhoturye and Tyumen, near its confluence with the Yarlynka, 253 kilom…