Latitude and longitude of Staraya Square

Satellite map of Staraya Square

Staraya Square (Russian: Старая Площадь), literally Old Square, connects Ilyinka Street with Varvarka Gates Square in central Kitai-gorod area of Moscow, Russia. It is not a square in a true sense, but a street, normally closed to regular city traffic. The historical building located at 4 Staraya Square, was the headquarters of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, thus Staraya Square became a symbol for the Party apparatus. Now the building is the headquarters of Presidential Administration of Russia, retaining its symbolic value.

Latitude: 55° 45' 20.00" N
Longitude: 37° 37' 50.00" E

Nearest city to this article: Moscow

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GPS coordinates of Staraya Square, Russian Federation

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