Latitude and longitude of Ycuá Bolaños supermarket fire

Satellite map of Ycuá Bolaños supermarket fire

The Ycuá Bolaños supermarket fire was a disastrous fire that occurred on Sunday, August 1, 2004 in Asunción, Paraguay. The three-story Ycuá Bolaños V supermarket and commercial complex, which included a restaurant, offices, and an underground parking garage, caught fire, causing two explosions on the first floor. The fire burned for seven hours before firefighters were able to extinguish it. The final death toll was 394, including nine missing and nearly 500 injured.

Latitude: -25° 15' 14.40" S
Longitude: -57° 35' 1.19" W

Nearest city to this article: Asunción

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GPS coordinates of Ycuá Bolaños supermarket fire, Paraguay

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