Latitude and longitude of Tarnobrzeg

Satellite map of Tarnobrzeg

Tarnobrzeg [tarˈnɔbʐɛk] (Yiddish: דזיקאוו‎ - Jikov) is a city in south-eastern Poland (historic Lesser Poland), on the east bank of the river Vistula, with 49,419 inhabitants, as of December 31, 2009. Situated in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship (Polish: Województwo Podkarpackie) since 1999, it had previously been the capital of Tarnobrzeg Voivodeship (1975–1998). Tarnobrzeg lies in the Sandomierz Basin, and directly borders the town of Sandomierz. Its history dates back to the year 1593, when it was granted Magdeburg rights, and belonged to the Tarnowski family.

Population: 50,459

Latitude: 50° 34' 22.94" N
Longitude: 21° 40' 45.73" E

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