Latitude and longitude of Suwałki

Satellite map of Suwałki

Suwałki [suˈvau̯kʲi] (Lithuanian: Suvalkai, Yiddish: סואוואַלק‎) is a town in northeastern Poland with 69,210 inhabitants (2011). The Czarna Hańcza river flows through the town. It is the capital of Suwałki County and one of the most important centers of commerce in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Until 1999 the town was the capital of Suwałki Voivodeship. Suwałki is located about 30 kilometres (19 miles) from the southwestern Lithuanian border. The town gives its name to the Polish protected area known as Suwałki Landscape Park.

Population: 69,222

Latitude: 54° 06' 42.30" N
Longitude: 22° 55' 51.13" E

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