Latitude and longitude of Stalowa Wola

Satellite map of Stalowa Wola

Stalowa Wola ([staˈlɔva ˈvɔla]) is the largest city and capital of Stalowa Wola County with a population of 64,353 inhabitants, as of June 2008. It is located in southeastern Poland in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship. The city lies in historic Lesser Poland, near the confluence of the Vistula and San rivers and covers an area of 82.5 km2 (31.9 sq mi). Stalowa Wola is one of the youngest cities of Poland. It was built from scratch in the late 1930s, in the forests surrounding the village of Pławo. The city was designed to be a settlement for workers of Huta Stalowa Wola (known in 1938-39 as Zakłady Poludniowe or Southern Works), a plant built as part of the Central Industrial Region.

Population: 66,495

Latitude: 50° 34' 58.30" N
Longitude: 22° 03' 12.02" E

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