Latitude and longitude of Greater Poland Voivodeship

Satellite map of Greater Poland Voivodeship

Greater Poland Voivodeship (in Polish, Województwo Wielkopolskie [vɔjɛˈvut͡stfɔ vjɛlkɔˈpɔlskʲɛ]), also known as Wielkopolska Voivodeship or Wielkopolska Province, is a voivodeship, or province, in west-central Poland. It was created on 1 January 1999 out of the former Poznań, Kalisz, Konin, Piła and Leszno Voivodeships, pursuant to the Polish local government reforms adopted in 1998. The province is named after the region called Greater Poland or Wielkopolska [vjɛlkɔˈpɔlska].

Latitude: 52° 20' 1.20" N
Longitude: 17° 14' 30.00" E

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GPS coordinates of Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland

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