Latitude and longitude of Ostrołęka

Satellite map of Ostrołęka

Ostrołęka [ɔstrɔˈwɛŋka] is a town in northeastern Poland on the Narew river, about 120 km (75 mi) northeast of Warsaw, with a population of 52,792 (2014) and an area of 29 km2 (11 sq. mls). The town is situated in the Masovian Voivodeship (since 1999), and it is the former capital of the Ostrołęka Voivodeship (1975–1998). Ostrołęka is currently the capital of both Ostrołęka County and Ostrołęka City County.

Population: 53,740

Latitude: 53° 05' 10.36" N
Longitude: 21° 34' 32.38" E

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