Latitude and longitude of Kołobrzeg

Satellite map of Kołobrzeg

Kołobrzeg [kɔˈwɔbʐɛk] (German: Kolberg ( listen)) is a city in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship in north-western Poland with some 47,000 inhabitants (as of 2014). Kołobrzeg is located on the Parsęta River on the south coast of the Baltic Sea (in the middle of the section divided by the Oder and Vistula Rivers).

Population: 44,377

Latitude: 54° 10' 32.34" N
Longitude: 15° 35' 0.31" E

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GPS coordinates of Kołobrzeg, Poland

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Articles of interest in Kołobrzeg

144 Articles of interest near Kołobrzeg, Poland

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