Latitude and longitude of Głogów

Satellite map of Głogów

Głogów [ˈɡwɔɡuf] (German: Glogau, rarely Groß-Glogau, Czech: Hlohov) is a town in southwestern Poland. It is the county seat of Głogów County, in Lower Silesian Voivodeship (since 1999), and was previously in Legnica Voivodeship (1975–1998). It is also the administrative seat of Gmina Głogów, although it is not part of its territory (the town forms a separate urban gmina). Głogów is the sixth largest town in the voivodeship; according to the 2004 census estimate the town had a total population of 71,686.

Population: 68,530

Latitude: 51° 39' 49.00" N
Longitude: 16° 05' 4.20" E

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