Latitude and longitude of Supe

Satellite map of Supe

Supe is a city in Peru.

Population: 13,719

Latitude: -10° 47' 51.00" S
Longitude: -77° 42' 47.02" W

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Articles of interest in Supe

5 Articles of interest near Supe, Peru

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  • Caral

    Caral, or Caral-Supe, was a large settlement in the Supe Valley, near Supe, Barranca province, Peru, some 200 km north of Lima. Caral is one of the most ancient cities of the Americas, and a well-studied site of the Caral or Norte Chico civilization…

  • Paramonga

    Paramonga was an important city constructed at the border of the former Kingdom of Chimor in Peru during the late Intermediate Period (1200 to 1400AD), whose capital was the metropolis of Chan Chan.

  • Supe Puerto

    Puerto Supe, officially known as Supe Puerto (to distinguish it from the neighboring district of Supe Pueblo, a separate municipality), is as small harbor town located in the province of Barranca, in the Lima Provincias region, on the coast of Peru.