Latitude and longitude of Pueblo Nuevo, Chepén

Satellite map of Pueblo Nuevo, Chepén

Pueblo Nuevo District is one of the three districts of the Chepén Province in the La Libertad Region, Peru.

Population: 5,766

Latitude: -7° 11' 17.02" S
Longitude: -79° 30' 55.01" W

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GPS coordinates of Pueblo Nuevo, Chepén, Peru

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Articles of interest in Pueblo Nuevo, Chepén

1 Articles of interest near Pueblo Nuevo, Chepén, Peru

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  • Chepén

    Chepén is a city of La Libertad Region and capital of the Chepén Province, in Peru. The city is a rice production center with the valleys of Chepén and Jequetepeque, and has an active trading with neighboring Guadalupe, Pacasmayo and San Pedro de Ll…