Latitude and longitude of Kapit

Satellite map of Kapit

Kapit is a town and the capital of Kapit District in Kapit Division, Sarawak, Malaysia on the south bank of the Rajang River.

Population: 15,771

Latitude: 2° 01' 0.01" N
Longitude: 112° 55' 59.99" E

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Articles of interest in Kapit

3 Articles of interest near Kapit, Malaysia

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  • Song, Sarawak

    Song is a town, and the capital of the Song District (3,935.2 square kilometers) in Kapit Division, Sarawak, east Malaysia. The district population (year 2010 census) was 20,046. Song is situated by the banks of the Katibas River, a tributary of the…

  • Kapit Airport

    Kapit Airport (IATA: KPI, ICAO: WBGP) is an airport serving Kapit, a town in the state of Sarawak in Malaysia. It was previously operated by Malaysia Airlines, using the Twin Otter aircraft. However it was discontinued due to low demands, and the ai…