Latitude and longitude of Nueva Palestina

Satellite map of Nueva Palestina

Nueva Palestina is a city in Mexico.

Population: 10,588

Latitude: 16° 49' 1.99" N
Longitude: -91° 15' 36.00" W

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Articles of interest in Nueva Palestina

2 Articles of interest near Nueva Palestina, Mexico

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  • Bonampak

    Bonampak is an ancient Maya archaeological site in the Mexican state of Chiapas. The site is approximately 30 km (19 mi) south of the larger site of Yaxchilan, under which Bonampak was a dependency, and the border with Guatemala. While the site is n…

  • Yaxchilan

    Yaxchilan pronounced: [ʝaʃtʃiˈlan] is an ancient Maya city located on the bank of the Usumacinta River in what is now the state of Chiapas, Mexico. In the Late Classic Period Yaxchilan was one of the most powerful Maya states along the course of the…