Latitude and longitude of Jitotol de Zaragoza

Satellite map of Jitotol de Zaragoza

Jitotol de Zaragoza is a town in Mexico.

Population: 3,278

Latitude: 17° 04' 2.03" N
Longitude: -92° 51' 40.00" W

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GPS coordinates of Jitotol de Zaragoza, Mexico

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Articles of interest in Jitotol de Zaragoza

2 Articles of interest near Jitotol de Zaragoza, Mexico

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  • Acteal

    Acteal is a small village in the municipality of Chenalhó, in the Mexican state of Chiapas, about 20 km north of San Cristóbal de las Casas. It became known internationally at the end of 1997 for the massacre of 45 indigenous people.


    XECOPA (La Voz de los Vientos – "The Voice of the Winds") is an indigenous community radio station that broadcasts in Spanish, Zoque and Tzotzil from Copainalá, in the Mexican state of Chiapas.