Latitude and longitude of Torreón

Satellite map of Torreón

Torreón (Spanish pronunciation: [toreˈon]) is a city and seat of Torreón Municipality in the Mexican state of Coahuila. As of 2010, the city's population was 608,836 with 639,629 in the municipality. The metropolitan population, including Matamoros Municipality, and Gómez Palacio Municipality and Lerdo Municipality in adjacent Durango, was 1,215,993. It is the ninth-biggest metropolitan area in the country and is one of Mexico's most important economic and industrial centers.

Population: 524,066

Latitude: 25° 32' 38.00" N
Longitude: -103° 25' 8.33" W

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Articles of interest in Torreón

9 Articles of interest near Torreón, Mexico

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