Latitude and longitude of Soledad de Doblado

Satellite map of Soledad de Doblado

Soledad de Doblado is a municipality located in the semiarid zone of the center of the Mexican state of Veracruz, in the plains of the Sotavento of Veracruz, about 75 km from the state capital of Xalapa. It has a surface of 370.96 km2. It is located at 19°03′N 96°25′W. On June 16, 1896, by Decree the town was named Soledad de Doblado, in honor of Manuel Doblado, who signed in this place, on February 19, 1862, the preliminary agreements with the representatives of England, Spain and France.

Population: 12,278

Latitude: 19° 02' 46.93" N
Longitude: -96° 25' 17.11" W

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