Latitude and longitude of Santiago de Querétaro

Satellite map of Santiago de Querétaro

Santiago de Querétaro (Spanish pronunciation: [sanˈtjaɣo ðe keˈɾetaɾo]) is the capital and largest city of the state of Querétaro, located in central Mexico. It is part of the macroregion of Bajío. It is located 213 kilometers (132 mi) northwest of Mexico City, 63 kilometers (39 mi) southeast of San Miguel de Allende and 200 kilometers (120 mi) south of San Luis Potosí. The city of Querétaro is divided into seven boroughs: Josefa Vergara y Hernández, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Centro Histórico, Cayetano Rubio, Santa Rosa Jáuregui, Félix Osores Sotomayor and Epigmenio González.

Population: 626,495

Latitude: 20° 35' 17.02" N
Longitude: -100° 23' 17.02" W

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Articles of interest in Santiago de Querétaro

29 Articles of interest near Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico

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