Latitude and longitude of San Luis Potosí

Satellite map of San Luis Potosí

San Luis Potosí, commonly called SLP or simply San Luis, is the capital of, and most populous city in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí. The city lies at an elevation of 1,850 metres (6,070 feet). It has an estimated population of 735,886 inhabitants in the city proper, and a population of approximately 1,021,688 in its metropolitan area which is formed with the neighbour city of Soledad and some other small townships inside the urban area. This makes the metropolitan area of Greater San Luis Potosí the eleventh largest in Mexico.

Population: 677,704

Latitude: 22° 08' 59.35" N
Longitude: -100° 58' 44.98" W

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Articles of interest in San Luis Potosí

13 Articles of interest near San Luis Potosí, Mexico

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