Latitude and longitude of Nochistlán

Satellite map of Nochistlán

Nochistlán (Spanish   ) is a town in the Mexican state of Zacatecas. Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán, on December 3, 1531, hired Cristóbal de Oñate to establish a village in Nochistlán; the village would be named Guadalajara to honor Guzmán for having been born in Guadalajara. Guadalajara was founded in Nochistlán on January 5, having as officials Cristóbal de Oñate, Sancho Ortíz de Zuñiga and Miguel Ibarra.

Population: 15,613

Latitude: 21° 21' 55.62" N
Longitude: -102° 50' 47.72" W

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Articles of interest in Nochistlán

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