Latitude and longitude of Aguascalientes

Satellite map of Aguascalientes

Aguascalientes (Spanish pronunciation: [aɣwaskaˈljentes] ( listen)) is the capital of the state of Aguascalientes and is its most populous city, with a metropolitan population of 1,000,000. It is located in North-Central Mexico. It is part of the macroregion of Bajío, which is among the safest regions in Mexico. Aguascalientes has repeatedly been recognized as one of the cities with the best quality of life in Latin America. Nowadays, Aguascalientes is a vigorous service city that is experiencing an ongoing social, economic, and aesthetic revitalization process.

Population: 658,179

Latitude: 21° 52' 56.42" N
Longitude: -102° 16' 57.32" W

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