Latitude and longitude of Caserma Ederle
- Nearby San Martino Buon Albergo, Italy
Satellite map of Caserma Ederle
Caserma Ederle (Camp Ederle) is an Italian post where the U.S. Army has troops stationed located in Vicenza, Italy. The Vicenza Military Community is composed of Soldiers, family members, civilians and retirees with a small number of Airmen and Sailors are also stationed there. The post serves as the headquarters of United States Army Africa and the 173rd Airborne Brigade. Caserma Ederle serves as the headquarters of U.S. Army Garrison Vicenza of the United States Army Installation Management Command, an umbrella for all U.S. military properties in Vicenza.
Latitude: 45° 32' 19.61" N
Longitude: 11° 34' 25.56" E