Latitude and longitude of Tuscania

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Tuscania is a town and comune in the province of Viterbo, Lazio Region, Italy.

Population: 7,226

Latitude: 42° 25' 8.00" N
Longitude: 11° 52' 6.46" E

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Articles of interest in Tuscania

36 Articles of interest near Tuscania, Italy

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    The Sacro Bosco ("Sacred Grove"), colloquially called Park of the Monsters (Parco dei Mostri in Italian), also named Garden of Bomarzo, is a Manieristic monumental complex located in Bomarzo, in the province of Viterbo, in northern Lazio, Italy.

  • Lake Bolsena

    Lake Bolsena (Italian: Lago di Bolsena) is a crater lake of central Italy, of volcanic origin, which began to collect 370,000 years ago following the formation of a caldera in the Vulsini volcanic complex. Roman historic records indicate activity of…

  • Cosa

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  • Volsinii

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  • Vulsini

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  • San Giovenale

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  • Norchia

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    The Nera is a 116-kilometre (72 mi) long river that flows almost entirely in Umbria, Italy. A tributary to the Tiber, its sources are in the Monti Sibillini, east of Foligno. It flows southward past Terni and Narni.

  • Monti Cimini

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