Latitude and longitude of Assisi Cathedral
- Nearby Chiugiana-La Commenda, Italy
Satellite map of Assisi Cathedral
Assisi Cathedral (Italian: Cattedrale di Assisi or Cattedrale di San Rufino di Assisi), dedicated to San Rufino (Rufinus of Assisi) is a major church in Assisi, Italy, that has been important in the history of the Franciscan order. In this church Saint Francis of Assisi (1182), Saint Clare (1193) and many of their original disciples were baptised. It was on hearing Francis preaching in this church in 1209 that Clare became deeply touched by his message and realized her calling.
Latitude: 43° 04' 7.80" N
Longitude: 12° 37' 1.79" E
Nearest city to this article: Assisi
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