Latitude and longitude of Brindisi

Satellite map of Brindisi

Brindisi (Italian pronunciation: [ˈbrindizi] ( ); local dialect: Brìnnisi; Latin: Brundisium) is a city in the Apulia region of Italy, the capital of the province of Brindisi, off the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Historically, the city has played an important role in commerce and culture, due to its position on the Italian Peninsula and its natural port on the Adriatic Sea. The city is a major port for trade with Greece and the Middle East.

Population: 78,548

Latitude: 40° 37' 55.74" N
Longitude: 17° 56' 9.85" E

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Articles of interest in Brindisi

7 Articles of interest near Brindisi, Italy

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