Latitude and longitude of Bamora

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Mandi Bamora' is a census town in Sagar district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. This place has a railway station Mandi Bamora (Station code- MABA). Mandi Bamora located as half- half way in two different district Sagar and Vidisha. Its tehsil is Bina. Mandi Bamora is very famous as a name "Great country" because two different dist boundary separate as Bamora-Sihora. In Bamora mostly Hindu, Jain and all other caste's peoples are living. In Sihora (distt- Vidisha) mostly Muslims are living. But its Unity is always unique and better than any other place.

Population: 7,981

Latitude: 24° 03' 19.40" N
Longitude: 78° 05' 21.30" E

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