Latitude and longitude of May 2006 Java earthquake
- Nearby Candi Prambanan, Indonesia
Satellite map of May 2006 Java earthquake
The May 2006 Java earthquake occurred at 05:54 local time on 27 May on the southern coast of the island of Java, around 20 km (12 mi) south-southeast of the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta. The shock occurred at a shallow depth and was located just to the south of Mount Merapi, a stratovolcano (that was mid-eruption at the time) located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta. The large M6.3 earthquake caused a disproportionate number of casualties, with more than 5,700 deaths and 37,000 injuries, and very high financial losses (Rp 29.1 Trillion ($3.1B)).
Latitude: -7° 57' 43.20" S
Longitude: 110° 27' 28.80" E
Nearest city to this article: Pundong
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