Latitude and longitude of Petralona

Satellite map of Petralona

Petralona is a neighborhood of Athens, Greece located between Thiseio and Kallithea. Athenians refer to Petralona either as Ano (upper) Petralona or Kato (Lower) Petralona, where Ano Petralona is the area between the Philopappos Hill and the railway and Kato Petralona the area between the railway and Piraeus Street. Sometimes as part of Ano Petralona refers and the small neighbourhood Assyrmatos. Petralona named after the Greek words Petrina Alonia that means stone threshing floors.

Latitude: 37° 57' 58.68" N
Longitude: 23° 42' 37.80" E

Nearest city to this article: Athens

Read about Petralona in the Wikipedia Satellite map of Petralona in Google Maps
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GPS coordinates of Petralona, Greece

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